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Post-merger integration

Synergy realization

gâteau de mariage

Management of three integration projects for a telecom operator

Due diligence of pre-deal operations: identification of synergies and risks, definition of new target operating model and detailed integration plans

"First 100 days": coaching of working groups and EXCOM, progress reporting and risk management program.



Web distributor of travel services (100 employees - LBO)

Cross-border merger management, "First 100 days": PMO of working groups and Executive Committee, reporting to shareholders, 

Identification of synergies and quick wins generating 3.5% net margin improvement



Two major general retailers in France

Design and implementation of a new Purchasing organization and processes with customer teams


Automotive equipment manufacturer

Definition of new post-acquisition organization: Product x Customer x Country

Pooling of industrial and logistics plans and reallocation of production to sites

Sharing of best practices in vehicle program management

Consolidation of purchasing, common specification standards, rationalization of the supplier base and improved purchasing conditions

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